Monday, June 27, 2011

first draft: done

I remember back when Brett Favre was still in good favor and he was asked about retiring (about 2 years before he first did). He was on the fence a bit and spoke about how the choice wasn't just based on playing the game every Sunday. He reminded people that playing meant being at the practices, the training camps, the tape break downs, more practices, dealing with injuries, the interviews, the victories, the defeats, and then somewhere in there a game. Basically his decision would be on whether he wanted to continue doing all of the other things associated with the game. In writing, this would translate to the first draft versus the 2nd and 3rd drafts (and however many after that).

The first draft is always the easiest in many ways because of the freedom to write whatever you wish. Each successive draft after has to take what's been written and refine it, augment it, and change it drastically to correct errors, fill in gaping plot holes, or whatever else needs doing.

To that end, the first draft of Cherry Blossoms is now done.

Onto the 2nd Draft now. And unlike other stories written, the first draft of Cherry Blossoms actually was somewhat harder because I was already trying to do its second draft mid-way. While writing can be done non-linearly (writing chapter 5 before chapter 2 or such) I do try to keep it in a straight line as best I can. But I kept realizing new aspects that I wanted to add, other details that needed to be fleshed out, and scenes that would be perfect but should have happened 4 chapters prior. Now that I have the first draft done though, I can get to those immediate pieces that need reworking.

I admit, I think I like the rewriting better than the writing. I enjoy adding or editing my work a little more than the actual first pass. I think it's because the first pass there isn't a net or a guideline beyond what I can do in an outline. With each successive draft, the story remains and is bettered by the overhauling. And, I just like the process more. I already know some major changes too, which should make this second draft feel more complete than the regular 2nd drafts I do.

We shall see.

David Barentine

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