Monday, June 20, 2011

back on track

a graduation, a funeral, father's day and now finally some assemblence of "normalcy." I've finally gotten through the slow part of the final climax, and now begin to "ramp it up" so to speak towards the final confrontation. I already know that this will be reworked a bit, I just don't know how much yet. In trying to get the most satisfying ending, I realized I needed to change some of the focal points a bit and emphasize a relationship not even hinted at so far in the draft. This has made writing the ending feeling quite different, like a transition to a different story entirely. Still, I like the newer ending (at least in the concept phase).

I have also begun plans (in the stages at least) on how I want to get people's attention with the books when I publish them. I have repeatedly used a "Chapter 0" as a pre-amble or prelude to the story to follow. For the most part, it's a one-chapter short story that exists in the same world as the story, has many of the same characters, but isn't really a part of the story. It's more like a jumping off point to get people familiar with what they will be getting into, and setting up chapter 1 as more of a familiar ground than say starting from scratch. I think it would be best to release these Chapter 0's like a separate short story for free, advertising that they are the prelude to whichever book they will be in. Then have them included in their respective books. I figure "free" because it's a teaser, it's in the full book, and buying it and buying it in the book again would be a real pisser to potential fans. It also sets a precidence that I could write short stories rather than lengthy ones for some of the characters for their back stories. I plan to wait until I do the second rewrite of Cherry Blossoms before I really get into it as I need to design a cover for these stories too. It also solves the looming problem with Chapter 0 of Sphere of Time since it truly doesn't belong in the overall book.

David Barentine

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