Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Almost to half-way

I'm now mathematically at 43% rewritten. For the past four days it's hovered around 37-42% thanks to all the pages added during that time. This rewrite doesn't feel like rewrites in the past, mostly because of what is being added to it and how much rewriting I did in the initial draft. Normally I just write what I think and shift things around in the rewrite, but this first draft I was editing and re-editing pieces as it was being written, shifting pages and paragraphs all around.

At the moment, I have added 36 pages, though I'm averaging 4 pages at the beginning of every chapter, and I feel it will only grow more as the story progresses. Since the story is still at the investigation portion, there hasn't been as much done yet to add in the details of the religion but that will be a mouthful to add certainly.

Anyway, it's going good, thankfully, and I don't think the pace has been impeded yet by the additions. At least with the page total I'm starting to feel like the book is fuller than it was. the short length made me feel I was missing huge gaps.

David Barentine

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