Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 2

Writing around work is always a bit taxing, but I've managed to lock away an hour or two before I go in and another hour or so when I get back, which has truly helped in the current story, Cherry Blossoms.

I've had the story "in potentia" for almost 5 years now, and only recently really sat down to take a stab at actually writing it. Since I can't do anything without a bit of a personal challenge, I based it off of the Japanese Hanami, which, coupling with a few days before, different locations, and time for the ending, comes out to about 18 days. So I'm trying to cram and work out 18 chapters for the book with every chapter as a day. Being the first draft, I'm getting through about a chapter every other day, which has been quite nice. Likely, come the first rewrite, everything will expand greatly.

Today I managed to finish chapter 7, which is almost the last chapter before the story starts to truly spiral out of control. I hate sticking to only one element, so the story combines vampires, mystery and fantasy, with a heavy emphasis on building to extreme danger, yet on a backdrop of life and games. I'll get more into it in the coming posts. Suffice it to say, Cherry Blossoms is finally starting to take shape, and I am thoroughly happy to see this kernel of an idea blossom (pun intended) into something more substantial. I have always felt that if you don't enjoy the actual writing you're doing, and the processes within it, the story won't be fun for the reader. I can't say I write with the largest vocabulary or the greatest eloquence, but I do believe I write fun/serious yarns.

On a more, technical note, I have finally purchased an iPad2. I truly have been taken with the idea of self-publishing, since I am more and more looking at the industry as heading to e-books and towards the self-publisher. Moreover though, fantasy as a genre is increasingly niche, and increasingly hard to get a foot into the traditional markets. I fear my chosen genre, for all it's possibilities, is hampered by an increasing demand for other genres and is losing out. Self-publishing may eventually be the only way.

We will see.

David Barentine

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